Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Drawing for a small prize Pack

Become a follower and then leave a comment if you want a chance to win a prize.  I will be randomly picking one of the comments (using an excell formula random number generator).  The prize pack will include at least one of the following plus a few other things. (I have not decided yet what items I will actaully give):  Tickets to Voice Male Christmas concert tickets to "Did you hear about the Morgans" and/or $20 to Hogle Zoo.

Must be able to pick up the prize in person, at my workplace which is by 21st south and Redwood, or can meet you in a public place between there and South Jordan.

I will draw the prize Wednesday (tomorrow 11/16/2009)

Note: This is just a gift from one person to another, no purchase necessary, and I am no way responsible for any problems in redeeming prizes.  I try to be as random as possible, and if I can not get a hold of you (through email or other source) within 24 hours I will pick a new winner.


  1. Have you heard my name on the radio before...yes I am an avid radio winner, too! Winning is addicting!

  2. This is so nice of you to give the rest of us "unlucky winners" some tips and advice. Thanks for all you do!

  3. wow! thanks so much for this contest! I am going to start listening closer to the radio!

  4. wow i may have a chance at winning something....but with my 'luck' i won't win!

  5. What a fun blog to start! My husband's co-worker got us into the radio contest thing 10 years ago and it's been so fun!! Thanks for all the great information.

  6. Becky won the prize, I sent her an email if she does not contact me I will try another winner tomorrow

  7. see i don't have any luck dannon!!
