I won the Lady Gaga headphones last night, wish me luck on winning to trip to London this Friday.
I am giving away those Daughtry tickets to a follower of my blog. Click on the "Daughtry" label on the right to go to the rules of the contest. Make sure to comment on the Daughtry post if you were referred to this blog by someone and tell me who they were (there follower name) so they get an extra entry.
Today’s 106.5 - http://www.kosy.com/ phone numbers: 801-570-5679, 801-670-5679, 801-470-5679
Daily Contests:
- School of Fish- At 6:40 every morning they give 4 fun facts, the 10th call at 8:15 that can name one of the facts get the prize package of 3-5 things.
- Fact: 2/4/2010- Couples married in Jan, Feb, and March have a higher chance for divorce
- 2/4/2010 prizes: 4 tickets to Percy Jackson, 4 tickets to Utah Gymnastics vs BYU, Boat Show tickets, and perplexus.
- Sand Diego Vacation- Starting this week, Fisher and Peggy are giving away a family trip to San Diego. Each week will be a different hotel and different attraction. On Friday the location will stay throughout the weekend.
- This Week prize: Crowne Plaza and Sea World
- 1/27/2010 location- light blue area on the right "upper inland"
- Michael Buble tickets-enter online by finding the 2 duplicate pictures
- Knigh in Shining Armour- sign up online and you may get chosen to have the Knight visit your sweathear, there are many different nice prizes you may be able to win.
Daily Contests:
- FM100 Prize Closet- Different Prizes, be the right caller at 3:25 p.m.
- This week's prize: a pair of "win before you can buy" tickets to Cirque Du Soleil's production of "Alegria", May 19th through the 23rd at The E-Center of West Valley City!
- Listen while you work- Register online and you may win (do not have to be listening to win). They announce the winner in the 1:00 hour.
- This week's prize: This week win a Gift Certificate to Marie Callendar! AND, a family pack of tickets to Bill Cosby, February 12th at Kingsbury Hall
- At Work Cash- . At 9:15 AM, 11:15 AM, 1:15 PM, and 4:15 PM when the "cue to call" plays be the tenth caller to win $100. Go online and register for a chance to win $1,000.
- I WON THIS ON 1/20/2010 at the 1:15 call
BEE 98.7 - http://www.b987.com/ 801-570-9870, 801-670-9870, 801-470-9870
Daily Contests:
- Word Scramble- around 9:40 you can find the letters then go to this site http://www.scrambledwordsolver.com/ to find the word. Call back when Shawn Stevens says to win the prize.
- This Weeks Prize: Tickets to Cirque de Solei "Alegri"
- Today's Letters: 2/2/2010 RETVMNA (varment)
- Lunchtime Bistro- Shawn Stevens tells you the song, when it plays be the 10th caller to win the prize.
- Today's Song:
- Today's Prize:
103.5 The Arrow - http://www.1035thearrow.com/ 801-570-1035, 801-670-1035, 801-470-1035
Daily Contests:
- 5 for the drive-Listen for the 4 songs with a common them, call in and repeat all 5 songs and win
- This week: win a copy of Turbo Tax
- Lunchbreak request-Listen to Sue Kelley on how ti win
- This week: Gift Certificate to Macaroni Grill.
- Double your paycheck- enter your name on their website then listen for your name on Mondays at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 3 p.m. Call within 30 minutes and you will double your paycheck (up to $1000)
Current Contests:
- Name Game-listen several times a day and if they call your name you have 10 minutes to call in and claim the $1,000
- Weekend Flyaway. They will ask you to call or text several times a day. If you are the right caller or texter you will be entered to win.. They give away the flyaway on Monday at 7:15 a.m. (this sounds like it make be a long running promotion)
They have several great small contests on their webpage. Just go a sign up. They will call you if you win. I am really hoping to win the When in Rome contest so my wife and I can take a nice trip to Las Vegas. Wish me luck.
Temporary Contests:
- Valentine Day Massacare- Enter online for a chance to participate, if you are chosen you dig in a huge cake for many prizes including a diamond ring.
- See Lady Gaga in London- Listen during the weekday during the 6, 7, 8, and 9 o'clock hours for a Lady Gaga song, then text Gag 82945, the 97th texter will win Lady Gaga Headphones and a chance for a trip to London.